  1. Due to rise the product quality, we poured in large amounts of money to import high-speed and automatic equipment specializing in manufacturing and the other related equipment. To fully check the products during the manufacturing process, we imported computerized checking machine from America to check out every product and get rid of defective ones automatically.
  2. Our policy is making conscientious preparation before producing, setting strict quality control rules to monitor manufacturing process and examining the finished product to meet the quality standards.
  3. The establishment of JYshengbao AL-Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd. is based on the creation of providing much more high-quality and various products. With enthusiastic and wholehearted services, we expect to make progress with our clients, perfect our product quality and upgrade our techniques.
  4. Vision:
    Packang industry is one of the most important industries in our society. Except dedicate to improving the manufacture of product, we also intend to invest in the business of different types of products adapted to any containers to expand our business. Therefore, we keep on training and fostering the various professionals and devoting to researching and developing new products. Under everyone's hardworking, we firmly believe a promising and rosy future is opening its arms to us.

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JYshengbao Aluminum Plastic package Co., Ltd.

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